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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Puppets, Clarity, Mental Jelly Beans and the visions of a Black Man

(Addendum to this posting.

After this posting, the "inspiration" for this post, de-friended me on Facebook. I will miss his hate or the manifestation of hate that he spews to his digital congregation, but it was time.
I have reprinted here, my response post to his de-friending. Go with love, People!

"I figured out who it was that unfriended me. I had actually written to our mutual friend and 
told them that I didn't want to anger them, but that I was going to drop this gentleman.
I think he was tired of me posting a truth, that combatted the lies that he was preaching.
And I don't think it bothered me that he posted half truths and out an out lies, but I was disturbed by the number that fell for his every word and the verbal beating that followers would receive if they doubted his righteous damnation. He used religion to control and maim not to build love and understanding.
His deceit inspired me to some of my best opinion writing but it was how he led his followers around with a Rev. Jim Jones determination that he was the only word of truth and he would crush any opposition.
I fell victim to his bile, but never was overcome by his empty stormy wind. It was more laughable than thought-provoking, but more dangerous than building spirit in his followers.

And I don't think it bothered me that he posted half truths and out an out lies, but I was disturbed by the number that fell for his every word and the verbal beating that followers would receive if they doubted his righteous damnation. He used relligion to control and maim not to build love and understanding.

His deceit inspired me to some of my best opinion writing but it was how he led his followers around with a Rev. Jim Jones determination that he was the only word of truth and he would crush any opposition.

He called himself a Pastor, but I don't know many Pastor's that would attempt to enrage the congregation by posting a phony "vintage" Federal License to Kill Blacks (legally) as if it was real.

It made the saying: :
Not my circus, not my monkeys
make more sense than ever."


Sometimes, it takes a couple of days for an event to simmer until it makes it on the page. Sometimes a thought bouncing around lonely in there, meets up with another lonely bouncing thought and another and another and the words gel onto the page.

I will write about my third thought first, since it seemed to tie the other two thoughts together. I am always happy with the neatness of a bundle.

Year ago, I read a book. 

It became my Book. I learned many of my life’s lessons from that Book. In one essay, the writer directs advice to a government who is faced with a growing number of adamant hunger strikers, refusing to eat for a righteous cause.

The Book advises: If you can get the hunger strikers to eat, you have won the battle. If you can get the hunger strikers to eat AND pick up the check, you have won the war.

This is much like the latter.

Without giving much away, I was reading a piece recently where a smuggler has sold a truckload of smuggled rifles to a British Military Commander in charge of maintaining a firm grasp over a particular colony. Far away from the civilization of the colony, the nefarious customer of the British Commander arrives to gather their newly purchased illegally obtained weapons. The smuggler begins to unload the truck. After half of the weapons are unloaded, the Commander stops the smuggler and says “Enough!”
The smuggler questions the Commander and says “Why stop? You bought the entire load.”  The Commander responds “I have sold the remainder to the enemy of this buyer”. He snickers “We divided…we conquered.”

Someone won the Battle.

This rolled around inside my head for a few days until I rolled over in bed, grabbed my phone and read a post by a Black man, a Black Preacher man, a Black Preacher man with a congregation of friends in social media and in the hallowed halls that hang on ever word he posts from the pulpit like it came straight from the Bible and the lungs of the Lord.

The post proclaims just how justified we are to call for the Impeachment of our President.
Our Black President. Our first Black (and very successful President), who the opposition powers that be would love to taint ANYTHING this President managed to achieve during his twice elected stay in office. A Black President who is surrounded by an opposition would love nothing more than to throw the cursed shame of Impeachment over this Presidents and all accomplishments he managed to smuggle by despite their coordinated resistance to his success.

Someone won the war.

I posted to someone earlier when they asked where was the Revolution? When was it to begin? What should they wear?

To quote myself (I love to do that. I think I make so much sense!):
       “Well we may be too fat and happy and constipated to ever burn it down again.
 People just are not smart. They can't find our own states on a map, they don't know the branches of our own Government, they have not got a clue what is going on around them and they tend to just listen to fear and hate .
        If there is a conspiracy…it is to hold on to power by the dumbing down of           Americans, and dumbing down the world. 

       What will it take for people to change the order: A slaughter, a theft of billions    dollars (remember the old "taxation without representation.”)

          Do you think if Americans knew our true role in the Mid East and the British     and the Oil Companies that we would have sent so many of our children to die        and slaughter so many of theirs while robbing our Treasury of a trillion dollars?
          The information is there.

          It is not Conservative. It is not Liberal. It is what is Truth and do we have a clue what to do for change while we sit here in our comfortable stupor...
It is what splits us today being feed dribble from both sides. It is wrong and                  what has really taken place is that you become overwhelmed but helpless to take action.
     You are forced to just live your life in a comfortable stupor. Comfortably                  numb. 
      Move along...there is nothing to see here...these are not the droids you are               looking for...         

Last night I spoke to my youngest son in College. He said he had been channel surfing and came across Hunney Boo Boo. He was overwhelmed by what made up a popular TV reality. Later, he saw a news feature of the cast of Hunney Boo Boo complaining how they were being mocked by another popular show. They were collectively mortified and what made it even worse was the screaming and uncontrollable laughter of their TV new interviewer, laughing wildly at the clip that was being shown.
I don’t think this is too out of place. 

In addition to control the masses, first with religions and then Religions. it is recognised that splitting us up in to easily manageable slices of pie like right and left, liberal and conservative, hater and hated, sharp and stupid, racially constipated and kumbaya-esque, news event looker and sports fan, rich and poor is essentially necessary. It is less and less effective to cuddle charm us with fire, brimstone, life inside a whale, talking to burning bushes, raising the dead, sighting the blind, curing the lame, building giant boats to survive devastating floods, since doing many of these things happen everyday anyway. 

The strength and power of the old mythology lessens its grasp and new sparkles and flashes of ligh must be found to hold our attention. Just feeding people to hate those that believe in a different set of tales, is not as effective as it used to be.

I think it is important that we be thrown a bone of humor. Hunney Boo Boo, Duck Dynasty, Saturday-Sunday-Monday-Thursday-Friday night Football and most everything else that pollutes our airwaves.

Laughing keeps us from burning. Watching and laughing reminds us that someone else is more stupid than we are. Watching violent sports while we pontificate about anything and drug ourselves into eventual drunk numbness, serves a purpose. We watch the images, we buy the soap.

The Battle has been won


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