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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Me 1, Pancreas 0

Whoever heard of this god damn thing!

The pancreas /ˈpæŋkriəs/ is a glandular organ in the digestive system andendocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulinglucagonsomatostatin, andpancreatic polypeptide, and a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist the absorption of nutrients and the digestion in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydratesproteins, and lipids in the chyme.

12 nights passed in strange rooms, in strange beds, surrounded by pumping machines and med chemicals I will never learn to pronounce. There was no Joni, no Jimi or Jim, just the wheezing and ticking of odd boxes, trimmed in the slow flashing lights of vacant boxes (red, yellow, red, green, red, green with no sequence) and some vacant promise of another day, another night, another heavy early morning of silence filled with too many fears of a futyre we cannot control and too much silence. And the silence and the wheeze wheeze and tick tick of the boxes, draped with dripping tubes hanging limp lifeless vines, disappearing into a body, once yours one you dare not move in your padded silence.

There were the faces who could come, some you knew and some you had never seen, but they took the time to fill you with warm and remind you that you were still a you. Some faces were oddly missing, but you drew strength from those that wrote and called and left those others alongside in the dust of heart sorrow past those that chose to remain in the shadows, in the silence.

Remember, we don't get many spins on this Merry-go-Round and telling someone you love them, or even if you are in their thoughts, adds a spark of life. One spark of life. 

And what more can we give to anyone more important than a spark of life? Nothing.

I thank so many for sharing that spark, because without the love of the Evil Bunny, and the desert night filled blazing with a million stars spark around, it would have been hard to find my way back to these familiar sheets and brought me back from the edge of the dark place I was not ready to journey towards on my next path.

As some old Hippie would say, Spread the Love, Spread the Love. As I get truly closer, this love has never meant so much to me and each tick reminds me how much it really is important.

There is barely enough time to share the love with the people tha surround you. Forgoe any selfishness, take a second. Look inside the darkness of sunken eyes and whisper We love you...Return

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